While supply chain disruption isn’t new, 2020 has tested even the most agile logistics companies. From port closures to flight cancellations, the pandemic has had far-reaching effects and demonstrated just how deeply interconnected and interdependent the world’s supply chains are.

Amid this disruption, digitisation and automation of complex logistics operations has quickly became a lifeline for many logistics companies, particularly those who have moved to large-scale remote working.

As governments and businesses begin to navigate the post COVID-19 world, logistics companies that embrace digital transformation and make the right technological investments will be the ones who survive and thrive.

So how are successful logistics companies using technology to move faster, more flexibly and at greater scale than their competitors?

For technology to be a real driver of growth and innovation, more and more logistics companies are turning to a single software solution that can handle the complexity of their global operations and solve their shipment needs from origin to destination.

We have invested over 4.6 million development hours building CargoWise – the leading, deeply integrated global logistics execution platform of its kind.

An integral link in the global supply chain, CargoWise enables logistics companies to execute highly complex transactions and manage operations on one database across multiple users, functions, offices, countries and languages.

No matter how simple or sophisticated your supply chain operations, comprehensive integrations mean CargoWise gives your internal staff end-to-end visibility over the progress of a shipment.

What’s more, you can easily extend this visibility to your external partners –  from customers to third-party agents, transporters and more.

For example, imagine a scenario where your China office is managing the transportation of goods to the US and then Argentina using CargoWise.

When your China office accepts the transportation quote, it is instantly translated into a shipment file, with no time-intensive manual data entry required.

Even though the data has been entered into CargoWise in Chinese, it is immediately available to your US branch in English, who can then process the job right away and fulfill all US compliance requirements.

Using CargoWise, all your offices share the same data, which can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

This means that when your US shipment needs to be on-forwarded to Argentina, the operational file is automatically shared and simply attached to the next leg of the journey, while also maintaining the same unique tracking number.

At the same time, CargoWise’s deeply integrated billing capabilities keep track of every party involved and everything owed, applying accurate charges for local compliance as well as any agreements, such as profit shares.

Your exact cost and revenue are also shown for every shipment, guaranteeing true visibility over your profits, from both a global, company-wide perspective as well as that of individual shipments and offices.